Home Meets
Newton has approximately 8 dual meets during the winter season. If you are unable to attend a scheduled meet, please let the coaches know by completing the Report Meet Absence form at least 24 hours ahead the meet.
Away Meets
Dual meet schedule will be determined by mid-October. You can find address information for all meet locations. (Winter Meets | Summer Meets). Parking can often be an issue at some of the meet locations so give yourself plenty of time. Swimmers need to arrive in time for warm-ups at least 30 minutes before meet’s start time. No swimmers are allowed in the water until a Newton Coach is present on deck.
For those without access to transportation, the team has access to a van. If you need a ride, please email us at least 48 hours in advance. We meet at NNHS Walnut Street main entrance at a designated time. We ask that all parents please do your fair share of driving. Directions are on the team website.
Swimmer Absence from Meet
If you find that your child must miss a meet, please fill out the Report Meet Absence form to report the meet absence by 4:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled meet. (The earlier the better so the coaches can start planning their line-up, especially for big meets).
PLEASE make every attempt to notify the coaching staff if your swimmer is unable to attend the meet, even if it is after 4:00 on the day of a meet by emailing newtonswimteam@gmail.com (such as in the event of an illness). We will receive the message on our phone. If you complete the Meet Absence Form after 2:00 p.m., we will NOT have the ability to access the form so please send an email.
Why is it so important to report a meet absence?
It is assumed that swimmers will be attending all meets unless a family indicates otherwise. Our coaching staff will be completing each meet’s seeding based on this assumption.
Our coaches must start seeding the swimmers – that is, deciding who will swim which event(s) – at the beginning of each week and will assume that all team members will be participating in the scheduled meet unless notified otherwise. Our computer-generated heat sheets (lists of swimmers by the events and heats they are swimming) are produced 24 hours before a meet.
Simply not showing up at a meet without warning cause delays and confusion on meet day, and it is also unfair to other swimmers. No-shows can and do cause free relays to be canceled if we do not have enough swimmers. If one relay has to be scratched (canceled) because of a surprise no-show that means three other children will not be able to swim that event. Please be courteous to your teammates.
We understand that plans can change quickly and unexpectedly, and that emergencies do occasionally arise. In such cases, at the earliest possible moment, click on the Report Meet Absence link to notify the head coach. This program sends an Excel spreadsheet update to the coach.
Likewise, if you completed a Meet Absence and your plans have changed simply complete the Meet Absence Report Correction page and the swimmer(s) will be entered back into the meet.
Meet & Practice Cancellations
Meet & Practice Cancellations
Every effort is made to hold practices and meets. Pool closings are up to the discretion of pool managers.
To find out about home meet or practice cancellations, call: Newton North at 617-796-1537 for a recorded message.
The coaches will be posting cancellations to NBF home page and by sending an email to the team.
If at all possible, practices and meets will be held.